Tuesday, January 29, 2008

messes are everywhere

Ok? for some reason it will only let me write with blue link letters(i think blogger.com hates me). So I took a bit longer doing one drawing then the other two. I did a contour of my purse with some shading. Then i used hatching for the drawer with kitchen towels. I shaded the silverware. The silver was really fun to draw and I think reflections are something you can have a lot of fun with.


suzanne cabrera said...

Unfortunately, your scans aren't doing your drawings justice. Next time you are in the computer lab, get Shawn to help you figure out the best way to scan pencil drawings.

BTW, blogger hates me too. I think it hates everyone.

Molly Jacques said...

Your first drawing with the silverware is fantastic. I get so confused when I'm drawing all the layers but you did a great job!